A review by queerafictionado
Reality In Check by Emily Banting


Arte Tremaine and Charlotte Beaufort could not be much different. Charlotte is host of the reality show, Hotel SOS - known for her icy demeanor and ability to make hoteliers cry. Arte has recently returned home after teaching art in Italy to take ownership over Hotel Aloysius after the recent death of her grandma. Not long after her arrival, a whole crew of people arrive at her doorstep. She learns that before her grandma died, she had been accepted on the show Hotel SOS. The first thing Charlotte does when she meets Arte, is insult both her beloved hotel AND grandma… Not a great first impression!

Charlotte is icy at the start, but is far from your typical ice queen. She is more of an ice princess in my book. Her mother, the illustrious Claudette, is the real ice queen in this story. And she is a character you will love to hate. OOF! Charlotte is simply trying to live up to her mother’s reputation and expectations. Playing the part as she’s been told. When it comes to Arte, she thaws pretty quickly, desperate to impress her and failing miserably every step of the way. Arte doesn’t care about money or prestige. She just wants real. And Arte doesn’t hesitate to call Charlotte out on her bullsh*t. I enjoyed watching the relationship unfold between Charlotte and Arte. I do wish they had been physically together for more of the book to give us more of that build up and tension. Because that first kiss was HOT!