A review by books_n_blossoms
Until We All Find Home by Heather Wood


I don't read enough Civil War era books! They can reach back to the not so distant past of our country and bring that time to life.

Justin heads into the war, but his life's goal has been to find his siblings, and find them he does, thanks to Luke's sister, Elisan! Two confederate and 2 yankees for siblings, what could go wrong? When they finally make their way together, they've all been independent for so long, it makes for quite the mess. The joy doesn't last long, and that makes for a good part of the story. I was kind of surprised at how angry Justin was all of the time, although feeling like he was failing them most assuredly caused that.

We also meet the people who have been the most influential in Justin's life. Luke's family was pivotal in his life, especially his sister, Rebecca. The author definitely makes twists and turns so that it's not the romance you're expecting! There's more love involved aside from Justin and Rebecca which makes the story more enjoyable. I have to say my favorite character in the book was Elisan. She has a strong personality and is just fun to read. I wish she had a full story of her own!

There are detours along the way as Justin heads back to his no longer "normal" life. The orphanage he lived in growing up stays close to his heart as do the couple who run it. I like how we as readers are able to visit the people in his life as he grew up. There are a lot of ups and downs for him as well as his siblings. I forget how young people were when they went to saloons back in the day!

Sometimes the story gets overly heavy with all of the emotions the characters wrestle through as well as life circumstances. It's almost like no one can catch a break. Thankfully the ending is uplifting!

*I was sent this ebook for review by the author. This is my opinion.