A review by ayaminerva
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

emotional reflective sad slow-paced


grief is an equalizer. no one, even those with riches and privilege, gets insulated in the aftermath.

picked this up because i needed a book to help me /cope/. i read books that would help me /grieve/. like didion, i rationalized the process since my loss in january. i remember writing, as some sort of manifest, that i would forget particular details in the long run. that it would feel like a betrayal.

didion writes, "I know that as the days pass, as January becomes February and February becomes summer, certain things will happen....It will become less immediate, less raw...will become more remote, even mudgy, softened, transmuted into whatever best serves my life without him."

she adds in the end, as if a consolation but maybe akin to a prayer or a mantra—"...there comes a point at which we must relinquish the dead, let them go, keep them dead. Let go of them in the water."

my thoughts run parallel with hers. in death and loss, we are all the same. isn't this proof then that we all love.