A review by lindsaytonner
The Harpy, by Megan Hunter


The story follows Lucy who finds out that her husband has been having an affair. They decide to stay together under the condition that Lucy can hurt her husband three times but the catch is he won’t know when, where or how. The story then goes on to how their lives unfold and the three ways she hurts him. It also looks very closely at Lucy’s emotional state, how she becomes both victim and villain and how this damages her psyche. Inbetween chapters there are snippets that take you into Lucy’s inner monologue, giving you a deeper look into how she is coping. These snippets give you the sense that something big is coming, they are building up to a climax… but what?The ending, told via her inner monologue is startling, swift and brutal.

I absolutely devoured this audiobook. It was so emotionally raw, with realistic characters who were likeable and relatable. I hardly breathed through the entire thing, so caught up was I in Lucy’s dilemmas. I thouroughly recommend it. I would also like to add some Trigger Warnings here, look away if you don’t want spoilers: Domestic abuse/violence, adultery, blood, injuries.