A review by book_dragon29
The People's Act of Love by James Meek


Summary: Man cuts off dick to join religious cult. Wife would have liked to have been informed.

I should have trusted my instincts about this book when I knew it wasn’t for me after a mans genitals during a sex scene were referred to as ‘his gift’. Are you joking?

This book was ridiculous nonsense and the only reason I am glad I have finished it is so I can write this scathing review whilst knowing I gave it every possible chance to redeem itself.

If you like books where:
- the female character (because there is only ever one in books like this) can only be referred to as beautiful / ‘whore’/ ‘slut’ and is generally written terribly,
- self important men who think they are doing such noble things are actually just spouting macho shithead nonsense, usually at the expense of the women around them - who were entirely financially and socially dependent on them at this time let’s remember,
- nothing really happens, but not like in the nice old books way where nothing happens except everything happens. No, like all these big events happen but they’re not actually leading anywhere and you finish the book feeling like, what was the point of that?
- there are vile descriptions of people eating human organs,
- there are too many individual stories going on to be able to emotionally invest in any of the characters (although they are all awful so why would you),
- half of it may as well be in riddles because the language is so clunky and you can’t understand the point of what anyone is actually trying to say

Then knock yourself out. Ridiculous that I got sent this when I asked my book subscription provider for a ‘cheerful read’. Lol ok.