A review by sneakyawe
The Chase by Clive Cussler


Ugh, I'm a little more than disappointed in this book. It doesn't read like a Clive Cussler book at all... I feel like the characters spent a lot of time repeating things that the author already said, or just rehashing events that the author just spent three pages describing. It was a little annoying...

I did like the bit about the San Francisco earthquake, because I haven't read much about it and it was interesting to see how it was portrayed. But that was about all that I found intruiging about this book. Guess I'll just stick with some Oregon Files or old school Pitt if I want to read Clive again!

(And I'm seriously sad to read the rumors about ghost-writers taking over. It seems that the quality has gone down and I was hoping it was just that Clive was much older than when he started, not that someone else was writing for him!)

**Picked this guy up from a library paperback sale. Figured I needed a good ol' action/adventure read and Cussler never lets me down! I just can't deny the love I have for Clive!!**