A review by librariann
Antimatter Blues by Edward Ashton


I was looking for something light but not romancey to read between coughing and sneezing fits, and I really enjoyed the first Mickey 7 so I thought this would fit the bill.

Yay, it did.

It was definitely missing something that I enjoyed in the first story, but I'm not sure how much of that had to do with the writing and how much had to do with my foggy head. Either way, I plowed through this in one evening.

Second half pacing was much better than the first half, but I really wanted to yell at all of the characters who had zero diplomatic skills at all when it came to considering interactions with the creepers. This kind of blunt force encounter sci-fi makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I get that as a civilization they haven't encountered many intelligent races in their colonizing process, but come on. You should have at least one person who's prepared to handle interpersonal and interspecies dynamics, and that shouldn't be your expendable amateur historian.

Absolutely requires knowledge of the first book. Would recommend to anyone who liked the first one.