A review by havenoshelfcontrol
Gut Feelings: Healing the Shame-Fueled Relationship Between What You Eat and How You Feel by Nicole Lepera PhD, Will Cole


“I don’t mean to scare you” *continues to fearmonger for the next 200 pages*

While I agree with importance of mental health this book emphasizes and the failures of western medicine (which is mostly a critique of capitalism but without explicitly mentioning capitalism because you know he’s in the wellness industry), namely dismissing the experiences of people especially, BIPOC women and framing structural inequalities as the failure of the individual, this book just comes off as a wellness disguised diet. 

This “doctor” (he’s not a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine, he’s a naturopath/chiropractor) perpetuates questionable science including a study of two people and pseudoscience to suit his wellness, clean eating narrative. I’d like this  book peer reviewed with some systematic reviews and some citations, sir. 

He has no concept of class and access to food. Like you do realize the people who consume “processed” and “packaged” food do so because of structural issues such as food deserts and late stage capitalism making basic human necessities inaccessible? Right? Like maybe people don’t sit around for hours, cook and eat because they’re time poor and poor poor…. 

Shockingly, he also misrepresents critiques of diet culture and body positivity. Body positivity isn’t about eating any certain way, it’s about not being hateful sacks of shit to fat people and other marginalized folk because of their bodies and dismantling anti-fat bias including systemic bias that makes healthcare inaccessible to fat people. People are criticizing diet culture because it promotes the idea of thinness at any cost including eating disorders. 

My last gripe is that he’s a Gwyneth Paltrow/GOOP ally. Tragic!
