A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Raisins and Almonds by Kerry Greenwood


Raisins and Almonds by Kerry Greenwood is the ninth book in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Phryne Fisher is enjoying the Foxtrot Competition run by the Jewish Young People’s Society with Simon Abrahams. While the judges are debating on who won the competition (best couple versus best Jewish couple), Phryne is asked to meet with Simon’s father, Benjamin Abrahams. Benjamin wishes to hire Phryne to help Miss Sylvia Lee, owner of Lee’s Books. Miss Lee has been accused of murdering Simon Michaels, a frequent customer, in her shop. Phryne goes over the crime scene and is certain Miss Lee is innocent of the crime. Phryne dives into a new world with this investigation. She must enter the Jewish community to find out more about the victim and tangle with a difficult Rabbi when she needs a Hebrew translation. Phryne is soon knee deep in Yiddish, Zionism, the Jewish cultural, alchemy, and so much more. Phryne with the help of Bert, Cec, the Butlers, Dot and Jack will prove Miss Lee’s innocence and capture the killer.

Raisins and Almonds lets readers join Phryne Fisher on another adventure. I enjoyed the descriptions of Phryne’s gorgeous frocks (I would love her wardrobe). Most of the story was easy to read, but some parts were more difficult. The sections on alchemy, Zionism, chemistry and the Jewish religion were tedious (they will put a person to sleep). Ms. Greenwood needs to find a way to incorporate the information into the story in a more engaging manner (instead it feels like I am in a lecture hall with a professor who talks in a monotone voice). I do commend the author on her excellent research. The book does have good, snappy dialogue. I give Raisins and Almonds 3 out of 5 stars. The mystery was easily solved early in the book. Two tiny little bits of information provide the killers identity. The method of murder was not difficult to figure out. It was no surprise when the solution was revealed. I liked how Phryne’s home life is developing. A puppy joins the family thanks to Phryne’s wards. In Raisins and Almonds, I enjoyed the cozy elements more than the mystery (which everyone knows is not the norm for me).