A review by library_bookwyrm
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran


I don't usually read this sort of book. When I read nonfiction, it's either as professional development or it's history from an object orientation. But I ran across Moran's article on libraries (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/caitlin-moran/libraries-cathedrals-of-o_b_2103362.html), which I enjoyed very much. So I picked up Moranthology.

I didn't realize I'd find a kindred soul.

It didn't take much to convince me of that. She had me at "There's a lot of Sherlock love in here. In many ways, this book might as well be called 'Deduce THIS, Sexlock Holmes!' with a picture of me licking his meerschaum, cross-eyed and screaming." I learned quite a bit about Keith Richards and Lady Gaga, about Benedict Cumberbatch and Doctor Who. I also relived what it means to really be poor, and how that should inform the debate on welfare.

I loved this book, and I highly recommend it for literally everyone I know.