A review by evarinya
Desperate Measures by Katee Robert

Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Call me shallow, but the moment the author decided she needed to publish an updated version of this book - with a new cover (whatever, though I strongly prefer the original one with the snake charm to another run-of-the-mill "two somewhat hot people looking at each other" new version) but also A MAIN CHARACTER'S NAME CHANGED - I was out.
No clue if Disney was involved or what happened there, but when I suddenly read "Yasmina" instead of Jasmine... Yeah, no. I was there for the Disney-esque fantasy, but that new name took me out completely.

To be fair, I hadn't been too invested before either (I don't mind the daddy kink in itself, though I could do without the "baby girl" part of it and CNC isn't my favourite kink either, so the sex scenes were... meh?) but after this I barely managed half a chapter more before I got too annoyed to continue. What a weird and frankly unnecessary change to make.
Well, it got me to change my Amazon settings to "don't automatically update my books" so that's something, I suppose...

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