A review by allymuddyorbs
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen


I've seen good reviews and bad reviews of this book, which is something to be expected because authors can't please everyone in this world. But I went into it with an open mind and found myself liking the book, probably even loving it, because of the fact that this book is nothing (and let me just repeat, NOTHING) like the books that are being published today. Today, books like to focus on creating a published version of mythical or paranormal fan fiction, and while that's all and good, sometimes you just have to crack open a book where there are no vampires, witches, or any of the like in a single page. This is a perfect example of those kinds of books.

This book is a GREAT read and I would recommend it for anyone who loves romance, adventure, and animals. It's a great way to spend your free time and definitely worth every cent you spent on it.