A review by lifeinpoetry
Belly to the Brutal by Jennifer Givhan


Have you ever needed to lie
flat as if dead against the rockmarked earth
& listen to the voices licking against the sky
your past shuffling through the leaves like a remix
till you finally realize what your life has meant —
& it aches?
When the truth comes, let it come like jewelweed
wilding beside the poison ivy. The antidote
within our reach.

(from “Today I Learned the Word Mondegreen”)

That boy! Kissed me!
What happens next
is nothing.
Nothing unroots.
Nothing rots.

Healing a motherbroken
space for at least the handful
of us, at least for now,
has to be enough.

(from “Retablos & Other Miracles”)

I’ve bled without telling
a soul, not ghosted or clinging
to this sticky world, what hunger
compels me onward.
It’s not that I cannot care
about the world we’ve broken.
All afternoon I’ve believed
in my own strength.

(from “Retablos & Other Miracles”)