A review by stay_truetoyourshelf
Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia


4.5. I just… wow. It took me so long to write a review about this one. I had to have time to process, because this was a heavy book. There were so many issues represented within this book, both physical and mental. One of my favorite aspects of this book was that the main ‘villain’ (if you could call him that, though I would) was largely ignored until the climax of the ‘real’ story. This book takes a lot to read, and it is extremely dark in more ways than one. There are lots of trigger warnings listed on GoodReads, so please check those out before you read if you are easily triggered. It took me a little longer to get through this book, but once I got past the initial weirdness and confusion, I really liked it. The story, while initially unconnected, was woven beautifully and I was aching to find out what happened next. I would recommend this book to fans of creepy stories, Zappia’s other books, and those who don’t mind a dark story.