A review by readwithsugar
Twelfth Knight by Alexene Farol Follmuth

Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
 ⭐ 1 star
*arc reader*

I unfortunately decided to DNF this book. I went into this book expecting to love it, the entire premise of it really spoke to me, a Shakespeare retelling, a nerd x jock trope, and characters of color as main characters, were all up my alley in terms of what I look for in a good read. But this book did not deliver.

Vi is one of the most unlikeable characters I've read in a long time. I understand the struggle, living a world where everyone seems to be working against you just because of who you were born as, a woman, a person of color and a woman interested in hobbies that put you into a male dominated space. But Vi is just...MEAN. She's not nice, even to the people around her who support her, and are working with her. She's not a good person, she's not a heroine to root for, she's a villain. The entire first chapter of the book, she spends telling us how unimportant everyone around her (who are apparently her friends) are, how unmemorable, how unattractive, how boring, how unintelligent, but god forbid someone disagree with her, then they're terrible people. Vi's personality gets a 0/10 for me.

Jack is really just as unlikeable as Vi. He's cocky and demeaning to people around him, and his indifference towards Vi is gross, even if Vi is a person I do not like. He's not special, and also if your girlfriend dumps you, maybe respect that?

I thought I would try to power through the book, in hopes of Vi's personality turning around as she learns perspective and perhaps empathy for those around her, but as I skipped forward a bit to see if that's the case she really doesn't show any growth, and I was uninterested in pulling my teeth by continuing this book.

I'm really disappointed, I've heard such amazing things about this author and I was really surprised to see this character be so incredibly bad, for lack of other words. I would not recommend this book to friends, and unfortunately I do not plan on coming back to it in the future.

*Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book, and for the opportunity to read and review it in anticipation of it's release.*