A review by ruthparker16
Girls of Yellow by Orest Stelmach


Who can say no to a mix of mystery and dystopian fiction? This book had a lot of promise and I was incredibly intrigued to read it. The idea of imagining a world where the continents were ruled by religion is something that grabbed my attention, especially with all the focus nowadays on region and persecution.

For me, the book was only ok. It didn't quite live up to my (admittedly high) expectations. I found some of the religious ideas to be a little problematic (pro Christian and anti Islamic vibes) and the beginning was very slow. Once the action started I found it a lot more of a compelling read, but it took a while to get going, which was disappointing.

This is the first book in a series. I will consider reading the next one, although I'm not totally sold on the idea just yet.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. My opinions in this review are my own.