A review by lanko
Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche



One of the best books I've read! On par with The Art of Worldly Wisdom, The Prince, The Art of War and The 48 Laws of Power. Perhaps even better in many aspects, as Nietzsche's wit and ironies make it also funny.

He talks about pretty much everything and so well. Probably the first who visualized how socialism would turn out, democracy and its problems, the decline of religion and many other things that seem scary on how actual they still are.

Better yet, it's free! The version I have is divided in parts I and II, but couldn't find them here, so I just picked something. This doesn't have 430 pages, it felt more than 1000, and from a comment, Part I has around 650 pages and Part II around 350. That feels more like it. Despite reading it very consistently, it took me an entire month to read it, but it was one of the best I've ever read.