A review by syd_nanez
Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead


Mead is an ista-buy author for me, I love her previous series' and I was excited for her to produce some new material.

She is a fantastic world builder, fight scene writer, and always seems to do romance in just the right amount for me.

This book is different though. She takes her voice to a whole other level. I actually had to google a meaning to a word on more than one occasion. (mainly because i cant stand not knowing a word) She wrote a a complex, mentally challenging book. One with deeply threaded characters, and beautiful world ( and not so beautiful at times) Definitely what I would call her first "real" adult series.

GOTG is a mix of dystopian, romance, mythology, theology, government conspiracy and mystery. Which of all those appeal to me in a great way. It was also a breath of fresh air to read an adult dystopian, not some teenagers finding love in the rubble.

Though during the middle it got a tad slow... She spends so much time getting you to understand her mains and the world that it ends up bringing the pace of the novel to a dull walk. As always though Mead throws in some stellar fighting, and gets you right back on board.

Overall a fantastic read, and am looking forward to the next one. Especially because now that we have the characters down it will have a faster pace.