A review by rachelsherouse
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee


I picked up this book because a new favorite podcast (Young Adulting) read it and was planning to review it. They billed it as a futuristic YA Gossip Girl, so I knew I would like it or at least enjoy the premise. It is indeed similar to a futuristic Gossip Girl, but with MURDER and more drugs!

Yep, this book was a fun fast read. I won’t get into the plot here. This is a great summer read if you like beautiful teenaged spoiled rich girls and the troubled boys who love them. The futuristic concept of NYC is incredibly creative and relatable at the same time. The author does a great job of world building. It’s a familiar setting but also completely different!

No complaints on the writing or dialogue. This author did a great job with relatable characters and allowing us to shift perspectives easily.

However, I will saying the brother/sister love plot line was icky. I can floss last it because this is a YA novel, but it was gross. I don’t care that he was adopted, it is just weird. Not as bad as Flowers in the Attic, but still, the book is flirting with invest.

I really wish the one non-straight relationship wasn’t ended by killing off one of the ladies. I was happy to see this book treating their relationship so well and on equal footing with all the love interests, but now we don’t have that to look forward in the sequels.

Incest and boring straight relationships only aside, I’ll most likely be reading the sequels.