A review by crookedtreehouse
Wonder Woman, Volume 2: Guts by Brian Azzarello


Azzarello's Wonder Woman run is flush with promising ideas about how superheroes fit into the Greek pantheon. It's well-thought out, and beautifully visualized by Cliff Chiang. But it does read almost like a SparksNotes version of a story. We go from idea to idea too quickly.

I love a fast paced superhero story, epecially one like this that takes chances with its plot and characters, but this feels like 100 issues of story packed into 35 issues. It's just idea, betryal, idea, betrayal, idea. It's not bad, it's just brisker than it needs to be, and could use a bit more breathing between the panels.

While I would definitely reccomend this series to a comic/graphic novel reader who wasn't familiar with Wonder Woman, I wouldn't recommend it to someone who wasn't already an avid comic reader, I think they'd find themselves just lost enough not to want to continue.