A review by zephyr_trashwolf
Rewilding: The Radical New Science of Ecological Recovery by Cain Blythe, Paul Jepson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 90%.
Rewilding has a long and sorted history within conservation. One that lies within white supremacy, imperialism, oppression, and racism. This book actively parroted ideals and beliefs from both Thomas Malthus and Nazi "Primeval Germany" efforts.
Both authors are part of a private company that is heavily invested in the unregulated and often unproven "carbon credit" industry. They actively state that individuals are incapable of "thinking big enough to steward their land properly" in addition, to ignoring climatic changes that played a part in the extinction of mega-fauna. 
I am an ecologist, and to those who do not know the racist and supremacist nature within rewilding, I feel this book takes advantage of one's desire to learn and twists in into something that feels malicious and intend on actively ousting those who may disagree with their stances.
Honestly there are better books out there that can educate on rewilding and other conservation restoration topics from much more reputable sources who are willing to look at its controversial history, explain it's positives and negatives in a balanced light.