A review by whattamess
Wintertide by Michael J. Sullivan



I'm still reeling with emotions. My heart can't take much more! Thank goodness the volumes come with two books, because that ending has me foaming in the mouth to carry on to the next book.

This book was glorious. Written to perfection. So what the fluff was up with the last one, [b:The Emerald Storm|55991397|The Emerald Storm (The Riyria Revelations, #4)|Michael J. Sullivan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1606070087l/55991397._SX50_.jpg|10840700]? That one made me shudder so bad that I didn't want to carry on. I have a fear of books with ships in them, and now it seems all the books I see have ships.

Let's focus on the good stuff. Oh, these characters! So beautiful. Sullivan has such a wonderful character development talent. I do forget the characters, and I'm grateful for the glossary in the back.