A review by caffeinatedbibliophile
Infernal Ink Magazine (vol. 3 issue 1 for January 2014) by Peter Gilbert, Dave Lipscomb, Anton Cancre, Rob Bliss, Michael Schutz-Ryan, Hydra M. Star, Robin Wyatt Dunn, Saranna DeWylde, Michael Schutz, Christopher Hivner, Giovanni Valentino, Robert Lowell Russell, Shaun Avery, Bosley Gravel, Robert Leuthold, Roger Leatherwood


I received this book through a goodreads First Reads giveaway.

This collection was unlike any other collection of stories and poetry I've ever read. I liked some of them (The Lay of Dumah, Lidiya, Visiting Rites), but overall they just weren't "my thing." I'm not sure what it was, because I usually really like the strange and gorey. A couple of the stories read like the author was trying too hard or something.

I didn't hate it, and I will probably check out other issues of Infernal Ink, but this one was pretty forgetable for me.g