A review by messyshelves
Green Arrow/Black Canary, Vol. 6: Five Stages by Diogenes Neves, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mike Norton, J.T. Krul, Andrew Kreisberg


Note: Read as individual issues.

You know it sucks when you're actually okay with a series you used to like ending. The quality of this series really took a nose dive after Winick left. Cupid is one of the worst villains I've read (right up there with "Joker's Daughter"). I felt so unimpressed while reading this but for some reason held onto some naive hope that this series would get better because it did have some good points. I'm too disappointed and too bitter to go back and review each individual issue because they all blur together and at this point I just want to erase all of this from my memory. Considering this is the last GA/BC comic I should have known it would suck. If it was good it would have continued because these two together are a perfect team up. To see such a good series end in such a lame, boring and try hard way is a real shame. Especially when it really does such a disservice to their characters. Green Arrow and Black Canary deserve better.

Also if this is the guy who works on Arrow, no wonder that show is shit.