A review by bananathemuffin
Betrayed by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


Marked was an okay book. Betrayed is almost unbearable. There is almost no plot until the last 50 pages or so, but before that we're just trudging through 260 pages of watching Zoey be a hypocritcal, horrible friend and even worse girlfriend to everyone around here. But it's okay, because she's not like that "skank-ho Aphrodite" who did all of the same things in book 1 that Zoey is doing right now in book 2...but ignore that, she isn't normally a "ho" so you'll have to excuse her for having... *checks notes* 3 boyfriends.

Zoey has to be the most unlikable main character I have ever had the displeasure of reading about.
So this book you can definitely tell was written in the 2000s before we started shaming people for using slurs and being all around terrible people in public. Zoey sure does love to call her gay friends the f-slur, but it's okay she put it in quotation marks so you know she didn't actually *mean* it. And she's always reminding us that she is *not* an r-slur. Otherwise that might be really bad if we were to think of her as being less than perfect!!

And lastly. Fox News. Need I say more?

I have read this series before and I am reading it again. Masochist that I am, I'm going to push through and see if these books get any better or if I'm going to be sorely let down with every single installment.