A review by mrsbooknerd
The Prisoner of Brenda by Colin Bateman


This was yet another brilliant installment in the Mystery Man series. I feel that the characters are really developing now, and I found that during this book I cared more about the personal stories of each of the characters than the over-arching murder plot. The relationships and banter never fail to amuse me.

Usually I find the lead character funny, but overall a bit too whiny and repetative. I know that this is his point but after 300+ pages of it, it does get a bit too much. This novel however gave a welcome change to his character and I have to admit that I found myself really warming to him!

I found myself getting a bit bored of the crimes and murders, not that the pace really let up at any point but by the end I was oddly relieved that it had been solved. Possibly because we don't really get to know these characters beyond their capacity as a victim/witness/suspect so I don't really care what happens to them.

But overall absolutely great with an odd ending which has made me LONG for the next novel!!