A review by tina_feaster
Something Sweeter by Candis Terry


Ohhh these books never fail! This is the third book in the Sweet, Texas series and I'm lucky enough to have read and reviewed them all! Candis Terry sure knows how to capture your heart and pull you into her stories! I was highly anticipating the release of this third book because I wanted to know what Jesse is up to! He's a tough (on the outside) vet with a soft spot for his family. Allison is very similar to him in that she cares deeply for her family, but puts up a tough exterior because of her past, and she doesn't really believe in love. Jesse takes this as a challenge and tries to teach Allison what love actually means. Throughout the book, they establish a fun, caring relationship, but each are still holding something back. As the story develops, we find out what they're running from and why they both think they shouldn't fall in love.

Like I said above, Candis Terry definitely knows how to pull at your heartstrings! I read this series a little out of order (reading the 2nd one first), but I was immediately hooked! I couldn't wait to get to the rest! And now that I'm done with Jesse's story, I can't wait to read Jake's!
