A review by paladinboy
Finders Seekers by Gayle Greeno


I remember reading the first of these books when Em in I were in Los Angeles. I recall enjoying the crafting of the world and how well it fit with some of my prejudices about cats and the people who love them. This was before Em would go on to veterinary school and we would go on to care for many wonderful cats, but we did have some cats at the time who were magical and wonderful like the Ghatti.

I'm not sure I love this book as much now as I did then as I have read quite a bit and perhaps some of the amazing concepts have become trope, read again I shower...when I get a little deeper into my TBR pile.

Read these books if you like mind reading cats, interesting biological science fiction, and stories that involve sacrifice, hard sacrifice, for the greater good. If that's your type a story, read this book now.