A review by delz
All Wounds by Dina James


This novel actually started as a short story in The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire. It was my favorite in the anthology because it really had potential to be just a little different from all the other science fiction fantasy offerings already out there. This novel did not disappoint. The first 3 chapters are the short story and then the story picks up as Rebecca finds out that on her 17th birthday she is to inherit the family role of being a healer of the supernatural as was her mother and grandmother before her. Now it is up to the Master Vampire Syd to give her, her training and protection. In addition to Syd as a protector there is an Anubis, named Billy, he is a man-wolf. Her first patient, Ryan, also a fellow classmate in high school,needs to be treated because he has been turned “vampire” and also been bitten by a Hellhound. Rebecca is in need of protection until her 17th birthday because the demons want to steal her powers to be. The story has some action, romance and some really terrific characters. I am defiantly looking forward to the next book.