A review by fritz_sands
Protecting His Own by Cherise Sinclair


As always, Cherise Sinclair delivers a perfect BDSM Club Romance.

This entry has a very different arc from the others (so far) in the series, because Beth and Nolan are already married. Due to earlier abuse, Beth is unable to conceive. She and Nolan really want to raise children and are focusing on adoption -- preferably of an infant girl. (So, yeah, you can see where *that* is going to go).

The book details the heart-pulling saga of two young (but not infant) boys who land in their lives, horribly traumatized by a drug-addicted mother. The story has a great deal of heart and explores serious issues of trauma, social services, adoption, and foster care. There is so much plot that sex and D/s definitely take a back burner. But that is entirely all right.

An excellent book. I highly recommend it.