A review by amilois
Devotion by Cassie Hargrove, Story Brooks


DNF. Don’t read on if you don’t want spoilers . . .

The editing and character depth improved over the series which I was glad of. The story had potential and I was actually beginning to enjoy it more. Unfortunately we hit a big no no for me.
I hate the pregnancy trope. It’s a personal preference not a trigger but I really struggle to enjoy books where the mfc is pregnant (unless it’s an epilogue, I don’t mind books ending this way)
Bringing pregnancy into the series with one and a half books remaining was the end for me.
I’m kind of sad because I like the mmc’s and wanted to continue reading their journeys, especially Matty. I was looking forward to learning if and how he could overcome his fear of touch.
Such a shame for me but if pregnancy isn’t an issue for you, I definitely felt the books had improved so keep reading!