A review by melodious47
It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Break-Up Buddy by Greg Behrendt, Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt


After getting my heart shoved into a blender, a coworker bought me this book and said it's a life-changer. She's right. Once I started it, I couldn't stop, and I underlined and wrote in it all the way through. It feels like a conversation with your smartest, wisest, tough-loviest friend. It can be a little cheesy at times, but by the time I finished reading it, my big, bad, single Superfox self was ready to take on the world.
One of the best parts: "That person that you loved looked at you in all your awesomeness, evaluated your relationship, and said, 'No thanks, I think I'll try my luck elsewhere.'... Anyone who views you or your relationship as disposable is not worth your time or your tears."