A review by mdaisy
Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles


I was a bit afraid of starting this book because I saw it on NetGalley and it seemed pretty good but then I saw the rating on Goodreads and I just thought why is the rating this low?! Is not low low but it's under 4.00 so yeah I was afraid. Then I read the book and I let me tell you it was awesome! I really really enjoyed it!

Olivia was a badass! I loved her! When someone stared talking about her or stared at her she just kept her chin high and kept walking I really liked that about her she didn't care what others thought of her she knows what she is and she wasn't going to change it because others didn't like it. I really liked her slow relationship with Brax and how she learned to trust him though the first time she talked about that night I was pretty mad she didn't tell everything but later I understood that at the time she wasn't completely ready to tell him everything.

Now the male character wow! Brax is so intense and sexy *-* I loved that he kept persisting on a relationship with Olivia but when she said she just wanted to be friends he stopped pushing but he was still there with he was pretty sweet. When she showed him the sky at night and taught him things she knew I loved how surprised he was how amazed he was that she knew all these things. One thing I thought was the sweetest thing ever was he called her Gracie and no one understood why because her name is Olivia and everyone called her Liv. The reason he called her Gracie was because he wanted to be different and he asked her middle name that is Grace and that's where the nickname come from.

Oh my god! I LOVE TESSA!! She's so freaking funny and her defending Liv was so awesome!! She's a badass and I'm really glad her and Cory are together! I would love to know more about them

One thing I wasn't expecting was crying and damn didn't I cry. I was so shocked of what happened and I just thought what if that was me in her situation? I just cried and cried because I can't live my life without them. If I think about it wasn't that unexpected but I was so into the story and I just couldn't stop I didn't have time to think about it.

Overall with a pretty good read I'm really glad I found the book on NetGalley and they approved my request.

**Ebook kindly provided by The Knight Agency via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**