A review by lumbermouth
Red Knight Falling by Craig Schaefer


I'd read the first in this series because it was a free Kindle First book, and it was sorta fun and interesting, so I tracked this one down and got it through ILL. And I think that's all the effort I'm going to expend on this series. I guess I must not be the target audience for the genre because the constant, increasingly ramping up action was tiresome---the book equivalent of the Calvin and Hobbes strip where he's devising a simultaneous gas leak, train derailment, plane crash, etc. And I know that it's possible to write a lesbian without having her say things like "the next time you slap me it better be because we're having rough sex" to a straight woman. Lesbians! So without boundaries! Anyway they saved the world, but WHAT NEXT??? I don't know. I'm sure they'll be fine.