A review by ljwrites85
Then She Ran by Charlie Gallagher


Jenny doesn’t understand why her boyfriend wakes her up in a panic, demanding her to run with their daughter, that is until people start shooting at her.

While everyone is out looking for Jenny, newly promoted DI George Elms is dealing with a personal issue, the return of his estranged wife and his daughter. When he is tasked to investigate the shooting of an old woman on an isolated farm his head is not really on his work. Can George pull it together?

This is the fifth book in the series and the first I’ve read by Charlie Gallagher, which is probably not ideal but I can safely say this can be read as a stand-alone without feeling lost or having the previous books spoilt for you.

Wow, Charlie Gallagher just drops you right into the thick of the action which doesn’t let up at all. I enjoyed the fact it wasn’t overly complicated or had too many characters, a problem I’ve been seeing in crime fiction of late, just a great fast paced thrilling read. Also as Charlie is a real life police officer, it feels really authentic without getting bogged down in detail.

I have to be honest at first I didn’t really warm to George Elms that much. I understand he’s under a lot of pressure after being promoted and from his estranged wife but sometimes I felt like giving him a good smack and telling him to stop behaving so badly. By the end though, he got me on side.

Overall an action packed read and a must for fans of police procedurals.