A review by emmaby
Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories by Michael Earp


(technically book 50! except a few that were counted towards my goal were shorter stuff so not really 50 ig)

3.5 i think its safe to say at this point i am not a huge short story anthology fan haha

always nice to see niche aussie stuff in books!!

favs were:
- i like your rotation
- light bulb
- waiting

3ish stars:
- rats
- in case of emergency, break glass
- questions to ask straight relatives
- laura nyro at the wedding - would have been higher but had mixed feelings re. seeming almost apologetic to the dads actions at some points???

didn't quite vibe with a few including sweet - i know what it was trying to show but i don't think it came across properly

there were also a few that i skim read bc i just couldn't get into them