A review by mystikai
The Five-Year Plan by Carla Burgess


The synopsis of The Five Year Plan reeled me in and the first chapter was great, Orla, a journalist received a surprise invitation to her ex-boyfriend Aiden’s (now a famous wildlife photographer) event to interview him. She hadn’t seen him in five years since they split and she was quite nervous to see him again as they hadn’t had any contact since. So brings her co-worker who also happens to be a huge fan of Aiden. Things get a bit awkward and Orla leaves, there is then a bit of a cliff hanger that leads on to the next chapter which if I’m honest seemed more page filling than anything meaningful, so go back to five years ago to when they were together and where it ended.
I felt the book was too long for the actual story and could have been cut by a fair few pages. The beginning and end were great but the middle just felt like I was pulling myself through just to get it read and I almost didn’t finish it, I’m glad I stuck through it though as the end did redeem it.
Sadly not the book for me but I am sure many will love it.