A review by javalenciaph
Unscrupulous by Avery Aster


Disclaimer: I received this ebook from the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

"Unscrupulous" is the second in "The Manhattanites" series by Avery Aster and can be read as a stand-alone but I do suggest that you read the first book as well if you're interested in learning what happens to Lex and, to a much lesser degree, Taddy and the others. This is a prequel set about three years before the events in "Undressed" but it also includes a flashback to when Taddy Brill and Lex Easton were still teens.

I enjoyed "Unscrupulous" and found it to be more engaging than "Undressed". Taddy is truly a character and a memorable one at that. She obviously did not receive the kind of love and care due her when she was growing up and it seems to have somewhat affected her when it comes to her relationships with others. While Taddy appears to be a strong, independent woman, she appears to have thing for being maltreated while having sex
Spoiler(asking to be choked, slapped, etc.)
but then she also appears to like doing the same thing to her partner
Spoiler(slapping in the face)
so I was a tad confused when it came to how she shifted from one thing to another.

There's quite a gap from the beginning of the story up to when Taddy (aka Red) and Warner (aka Big Daddy) cross paths. I was beginning to wonder when these two would finally meet but after they did, the pacing of the story seemed steadier and the story played it quite well.

There were funny moments in the book as well as emotional ones, though nothing overly dramatic. I have my suspicion as to who Taddy's biological father is but will wait and see if it's confirmed in the future installments to the series. Hehe.

"Unscrupulous" gets a solid four stars out of five. It was fun and quite endearing. ^.^ Will definitely keep an eye out for the third book!