A review by aasplund
The Body in The Clouds by Ashley Hay


This book will probably be enjoyed by lots of people, but I am not one of them. There were a lot of decent parts to it, but it definitely just wasn't my type of book.
I liked the writing style of this book and the amount of detail the author included. There were so many beautifully written scenes and so many small details that were thrown in that made the story seem so much deeper and more real. I especially liked how much the author loves Sydney, Australia. That became very obvious as I got further into the book.
That being said, NOTHING HAPPENS IN THIS BOOK. I mean, obviously, things happen. But the main events were small enough and (in my mind) meaningless enough that I didn't see the point of including them or making them out to be a huge of events as they were in the book. I loved the writing, but I was constantly bored by this book. By the time I was halfway through, I knew what the big plot twist was going to be and I was eager to finish the story and get to that point. And then, it took another 160 pages to do that. For me, that was difficult to read - especially when this book happens in people's heads. The majority of the text is dedicated to the thoughts and reminiscing of characters and there simply wasn't enough action to keep me occupied and content.
Recommended for people who enjoy slow, intriguing, profound books. Definitely not meant for anyone who likes fast-paced or action-packed stories.