A review by willowisp79
The Black Parade by Kyoko M.


This book started in a totally different place than where it ended up...I loved this!

Jordan is our main character that we follow. We're pretty much thrown in to the story and feel our way around, but its not hard to catch up with everything as its explained really well through the pages.

Its technically split into 3 small books, each with its own storyline, but following the same people with the story running almost like they're NOT separate books.

Jordan has to find 100 souls to help to heaven to repent her tragic mistake before the book begins.
Angel Gabriel is often in her kitchen looking at the Repenting Book (as she calls it!), and is impressed with her quick work with collecting souls.

Her 100th comes in the form of a poltergeist......or seemingly so....
Hes called Michael, and has no memory of how he died or why....
Between Jordan and Michael they resolve this mystery ( i don't want to give the storyline away!).

The next 2 books follow Jordan and Michael closely. It turns into the ever going battle between demons and angels, and Jordan is caught in the middle and refuses to stand by and let these demons win.

There is a strong, physical and emotional attachment between Jordan and Michael but for reasons that will become apparent when you read, their love is forbidden....or is it?

A great book to read. A good twist on angels and demons and their existence, and makes you think as well.
Really enjoyed it, recommend it.

Reviewed on behalf of BEWITCHING TOURS for an honest review