A review by pjonsson
The Devil's Eye by J.R. Rain, Matthew S. Cox


This was actually not what I expected. I guess I expected just some variation of Urban Fantasy with a main supernatural main protagonist that also happens to be a detective. However it’s really more of a story about a main protagonist who are a detective but also happens to be a witch.

This books focuses more on the detective aspect of the story than the supernatural. Of course, there is a fair amount of whitchy and supernatural elements as well but it is really a crime/mystery story at its core.

Of course Maddy is using her witchcraft to solve cases but it is more often than not to find clues and other ways of helping her solve cases. Her magic is also much more traditional style witch magic, at least in my mind. It is potion brewing, hexes, casting spells that takes time and such like instead of just throwing fireballs etc.

Although I didn’t really expect this kind of story I did indeed enjoy the crime/mystery blend. The book felt a wee bit slow at times but not so much that it annoyed me. I rather have a good book that is a tad slow than one where I feel that everything is rushed.

Maddy is a likable character and the detective mystery she has to solve is decent enough. Overall it was a enjoyable book. Not more than three stars worth but good enough that I will probably read another book in the series.