A review by xandra_daks
The Boy I Love to Hate by Emily Lowry


One of my most favorite tropes is the enemies to lovers trope. It is great to see the couples’ feelings change towards each other. I love to read them developing feelings as they get to know each other. Now this trope got justice in this book. The thing I most enjoyed was reading about their banters. It was really funny and clever. They both were really smart people. I loved Rachel and Quinn’s immediate friendship and acceptance with Mia. Emily Lowry has always written about beautiful friendships in her books. I really love to read about that being an introvert myself and not having many friendships.

Mia has recently transferred to Hallisburg Prep for her senior year because her parents were going through a rough road. She doesn’t like this sudden change. But she begins to like HP as she gets to know it better. The only thing that she hates in her whole school is Sutton Reily (Why? Well that’s why you have to read the book, I’m trying really hard not to leave any spoilers here.)
Sutton is the quarterback in Hallisburg Prep. He is constantly pressured by his father to do play better when all he wants to do is play music. Oh and he hates Mia back equally.

They anonymously connect with each other through music in their school’s messaging app, HP Chat and they obviously don’t know who is on the other side. In their physical life, they are forced to plan the HP Fall Fundraiser together so that they could “learn to get along and work together”. Then the rest is history, this history is not boring though it was really interesting.

I loved it so much and there are a lot of potential couples in this series, whose stories I’m looking forward to read. I’ve been waiting to read this one for a very long time. As soon as Emily announced an enemies to lovers story happening in a boarding school with some secret romance I was done for. This was the model book for a YA contemporary romance. Definitely recommend all of Emily Lowry’s books to YA clean romance readers!

There were a few awesome kisses and no swearing or bad language. It was very clean.

I got an ARC (because I'm very lucky) and am leaving an honest review.