A review by jbarr5
Where There's Smoke by Susan May Warren


Where There's Smoke by Susan May Warren
Really interested in how the smokejumpers fight forest fires especially because they are all over the west coast states.
Starts out with Jed and Kate and something went wrong while on the front lines of the fire in Alaska. They came out with all kinds of scars and meet up again many years later on the same team fighting fires again.
Jed is in control and gives her the job of training others because he knows her father Jock had trained her well. Like mystery surrounding the drone, the commadrie among the jumpers and how they fire the fires.
Handful of characters but easy to keep track of. Bit of romance, travel and it's well rounded book to read.
Lots of religion and praying to help get them through the really bad times...
Other excerpts from other stories in the series are included at the end.
Scary parts also when they are surrounded by the fire-like tips of digging a hole so you can breathe.