A review by mtomchek
Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy


"...the rhythm of the sea's tides are the only things we humans have not yet destroyed."

"It isn't fair to be the kind of creature who is able to love but unable to stay."

"I think sometimes I'm conditioned for destruction."

"My life has been a migration without a destination, and that in itself is senseless. I leave for no reason, just to be moving, and it breaks my heart a thousand times, a million.”

“A life's impact can be measured by what it gives and what it leaves behind, but it can also be measured by what it steals from the world.”

“It’s not life I’m tired of, with its astonishing ocean currents and layers of ice and all the delicate feathers that make up a wing. It’s myself.”

A truly beautiful and well-written novel. Charlotte McConaghy introduces us to the ethereal Franny, who has a tangled past, with a passion for Arctic terns and the sea. She teaches us about birds, their habits, about ocean currents, fishing, so much - and creates a future where species are decimated. 

A well-rounded story, with wonderful jumps through time, heartbreak, nature, and constantly feeling cold. This novel contained so much, and the words kept you enticed to fill in the holes of the story. A possible glimpse into the future? We can only hope the world will be able to preserve its species. Nature is so powerful, and will remain strong for decades to come. 

Loved Migrations, feeling so many emotions, desires, and so much love for the terns that travel the cold seas of the earth.