A review by 823sisi
Star Bright by Staci Hart


This is an ARC review. All opinions are solely my own.

Just as Stella savored every word of Levi's article, I savored every word of this decadent book. Star Bright by Staci hart is book 1 of the Bright Young Things series. From the cover to the words this book is delicious.

Stella and Levi have lived very different lives and this book explores their relationship in spite of their differences. Levi is the reporter who came from the wrong side of the tracks. He is immediately enamored of Stella, the trust fund kid with a party crowd.

The language used in this book is reminiscent of the Gatsby era. The descriptions of the fashion and parties really makes the reader wonder if they're reading a book set in the 1920's. This book made me feel like I was peeking behind the curtains of fabulously wealthy people. People who are famous because they are rich.

This book explores their differences and how they are actually jealous of each other's standing. Staci Hart touches on several social issues that were issues in the 1920's just as they are in the 2020's.

There is romance and intrigue. There's sex and parties. But to me that wasn't the point of the book. This book is about family and the people we choose to be in that circle. This book is about paying it forward and helping someone out when you can. This book is about living.

Cecelia Beaton isn't a person. Cecelia Beaton is a mindset. Cecelia Beaton is about being joyful and spreading that joy.