A review by magicallyshawna
When Night Breaks by Janella Angeles


“Take me home”

This review is a bit of a mess because I honestly don’t know how I feel about this book.
I have to say I feel this sequel was lacking a bit of magic and could have been trimmed down.

I felt like there were some plot points that did not get fully explained.. such as how Kallia defeated the devils and how the gate sent them both home.. unfortunately this story just fell short for me.

“Where dreams descend” has excitement and twists around every corner where as this book felt like we were set on cruise control the entire book.

Here are the points I enjoyed:

I Enjoyed the different POV’s

I’m glad we got to see characters we only previously heard about like the Patrons

I’m happy we found out where Kallia came from. I had a feeling she would be apart of one of the families of glorian but was a little disappointed she chose not to get her early memories back.

There were so many shocking truths revealed! Such as jack being an illusion/magician the whole time (his character growth was great) and finding out all the patrons did.. which was another plot point that never really got summed up.. who exposed the patrons??

I loved the diamond rings and their names. I had a feeling we were going to meet Eva on the other side and I was pretty surprised she was the ever cruel vain

“I don’t want to fight anymore”
I loved the scenes with demarco and Kallia. That was probably my favorite part of the book. I think maybe this is part of the reason i didn’t enjoy it as much, because their relationship was great and it was hardly existent in this sequel.