A review by mousegoddess
Persephone's Fruit by Corrine A. Silver


This is one of those ratings that I kind of have to preface with a disclaimer. I'm super duper picky about the short story format when it comes to romance. I'm difficult to please. That said, this was not easy to rate for me. Half of me wanted to give it four stars and half of me wanted to give it two. The latter very much had to do with the length. Sometimes a story that makes me think "but what happened next?" gives rise to anticipation, but others (like this one) leave me vaguely dissatisfied. The story that was there was excellent, I thought the style fit the mythic story elements quite nicely, I found myself intrigued by Persephone. and the world building I saw fit very well with the Greco-Roman myths I read in high school. I'm sure you can understand why I did have difficulty rating. In spite of the the vague dissatisfaction, I think I would recommend this. Mostly because my picky ass knows that others can enjoy this format more than me and I thought the writing was on point for the setting.