A review by raytheron
The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry


The Knights Templar name conjures up swathes of legends, theories, fantasies and speculation, some of which are based on the actual historical facts regarding the Order, others wildly fanciful. So it was with some reservations that I started Berry's novel.

I was, however, pleasantly surprised. Of course the book centres on the theory that, immediately prior to their dissolution, the Templars hid a vast treasure, both monetary and in knowledge, so the reader has to take this one leap of faith. Much of the background of the story of The Templar Legacy is based on the places Berry actually visited, and even some of the characters introduced in the history behind the search central to the plot are real. The object of the search, on the other hand, is pure fiction (at least as far as we know so far).

The characters are believable, the settings too, and the plot creditable. Berry succeeds in creating a great deal of suspense, especially towards the latter stages of the tale, and there are a few plot twists that are bound to catch the reader by surprise.

The dilemma any author tackling this particular topic faces, is that that which the characters search for, when found, will pose a predicament not easily resolved. In this Berry succeeds fairly well where many others have failed.

Anyone who likes a good suspenseful yarn will enjoy this book. I can recommend it.