A review by cozyuptocrime
In the Black by Sheryl Nantus


Intriguing premise - a pleasure ship, whose moneymaking journey is interrupted by murder - but, overall, not executed very well. The murder mystery was predictable and the romance didn't have any conflict to keep me engaged. Sam and Kendra were interesting characters, and I would have enjoyed more interaction between the captain and the courtesans, or to learn more about the courtesan's inner lives. However, even with a pleasure ship, a murder, and a romance between a lone wolf and a tough captain, it seemed like nothing really happened. There was a lot of characters going from one ship to another or to the camp, or sitting and thinking for awhile, but not a lot of plot or action. I found myself being more or less bored as the story progressed. It seems like most readers enjoyed this book, it just didn't have a spark for me, and I don't think I'll be reading more from this series.