A review by unladylike
Daredevil, Volume 3 by Mark Waid


Rather than talking about how this run of Daredevil keeps getting better, I'm just going to point out something about how Marvel insists on re-explaining his powers and origin story in every issue.

When you open each of these collected trades, there's an opening page by an old creative team that nicely gets the origin/intro out of the way. But when they get to the panel to show how he "sees" things, the caption reads, "And he had developed a sixth sense, a radar-like awareness of where objects were." And there's a black silhouette of a figure with radar-like concentric circles honing RIGHT IN ON THE FIGURE'S JUNK! Every time I see it I can't help but chuckle. And since Daredevil is such a slut, it actually makes sense in a way I don't think the illustrator intended it to. In my headcanon, when Matt smirks at someone, there's much more to his thoughts than the captions. He also might be thinking something like, "I like what you're packing, big boy, and I can tell you're getting a little aroused. But you forgot to wash behind your sack this morning, and went a little too far with that Old Spice."

That concludes my thorough review of Daredevil Vol. 3: Still No Subtitle, by Mark Waid.